

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:搜学在线有限公司RYYKTJ » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 心理健康 » 催眠师 » 迎广州亚运英语口语100句


发布时间:2023-06-20 12:42:59
Ⅰ. Greetings  问候常用语 
      1. Good morning.   早上好。
      2. Nice to meet you.  很高兴认识您/你。
      3. My name is …/ I am …   我的名字叫…… / 我是……
      4. May I ask your name?   请问你叫什么名字?
      5. Where are you from?  你是哪里人?
      6. How are you?   你好吗?
      7. Fine. Thank you.  很好。谢谢。
      8. Hope you enjoy your stay here!  祝你在这里过得愉快!
      9. Have a nice day!  祝你愉快! (告别时用)
      10. See you. 再见。
 Ⅱ . Asking for Directions   问路常用口语 
      11. Excuse me, where is the toilet / restroom?请问,厕所 / 洗手间在哪儿? 
      12. How can I get to the subway station? 去地铁站怎么走?
      13. Go straight. 直走。 
      14. Turn left/ right.  左 / 右转。 
      15. Walk across the road.  穿过马路。
   16. It's (not) far. (不) 远。
      17. It's a five- minute walk.   走路五分钟。 
      18. It is on Tiyu Xilu.   在*西路。 (on the fifth floor) (五楼)
      19. It is opposite (to) the bank.   在银行对面。 
      20. Sorry, I don't know.   对不起,我不知道。   Ⅲ.  Transportation   交通          21. Which bus goes to Beijing Lu?   哪路车去北京路?        bus/line should I take to Tee Mall?     要乘哪路车/几号线去天河城?
      23. Take bus 245 / Line 1.  坐245路公车/一号线。 
      24. You have to change lines.   你得换乘。                                         
      25. Please change to Line 1 at Gongyuanqian.    请在公园前转一号线。
   26. What is the next stop?    下站是哪个站? 
      27. Sir / Madam, where would you like to go?      先生/女士,您要去哪儿? 
      28. It's about a ten-minute drive.   大概十分钟车程。 
      29. There's a traffic jam.    有点堵车。 
      30. Sorry, I'm changing shift now.    对不起,我正赶去交班。          Ⅳ. At the Restaurant  餐馆就餐
         31. How many in your party?  请问几位( Four / Five…)( 四位/ 五位……) 
               32. This way, please.      这边请。 
               33. Here's the menu.               这是菜谱。 
               34. What would you like to have?          你们想吃些什么? 
              35. Our specials are …         我们的特色菜有…… 
              36. I am a vegetarian / Buddhist.         我是素食者/佛教徒。
           37. I don't eat meat / pork / beef / seafood. 我不吃(肉/猪肉/牛肉/海鲜)。               38. Enjoy your meal!        请慢用! 
              39. Cheers! To our friendship!   干杯!为我们的友谊干杯! 
              40. Check, please. 劳驾,结账.
         Ⅴ.   Shopping   购 物
        41. May I help you?  您要买什么? 
              42. I would like a Tang-style suit.  我想买一件唐装。
        43. What color/size/style do you want?  您要什么颜色/尺寸/款式的? 
              44. May I try it on?  我能试试么? 
              45. The fitting room / cashier is over there.  试衣间/ 收银台在那儿。 
              46. It fits you very well.  这件很适合您。
           47. All right. I'll take it.  好吧。我买这件了。
           48. Any discount?  有打折吗? 20% (Twenty percent) off.  打八折
           49. Do you take credit cards? 你们这可以用信用卡吗 ?
        50. Here's your change.   这是找您的钱。                51. Thank you for coming!   谢谢光临
         Ⅵ.  Weather and Time天气和时间 
              52. What's the date today / tomorrow?    今天 / 明天几号? 
              53. What will the weather be like tomorrow?  明天天气怎么样
              54. It will be hot. / It won't be hot. 天气会很热。/ 天气不会很热。
              55 It's going to rain. 要下雨了。(It's windy / rainy.)(在刮风 / 下雨。) 
              56. When and where shall we meet?  我们什么时候见面?在哪儿见呢?
           57. 8:30 (Eight thirty) tomorrow morning.  明早八点半。 
              58. Are you ready?  你准备好了吗? 
              59. What time is it? 几点了? 
              60. Sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉让你久等了。 
              61. The event starts at ten o'clock.  比赛十点开始。          Ⅶ.   Sports  *运动
        62.What sport do you play?    你喜欢玩哪种*运动?
            63. I play football/ table tennis/ …我喜欢踢足球/ 打乒乓球…… 
               64. Do you like swimming? 你喜欢游泳吗?Yes, very much. 是的,很喜欢。 
               65.Who's playing?  参加比赛的是哪个队? 
               66. Who are you cheering for?  你支持哪个队? 
               67.Who do you think will win?  你觉得哪个队会赢? 
               68.Go! Go !/ Come on!  加油!/ 加油! 
               69.Great !  好! Nice shot!  好球!
            70.What is the score?  现在比分多少了?                 71 Congratulations! 祝贺你!                 72We won! 我们赢 !We won the gold medal! 我们得*了 
               73.That was a great / boring event! 这场比赛太棒了/ 真没劲           Ⅷ.Seeing a Doctor  就 医
         74. What's the matter?  你怎么了?/ 你哪里不舒服? 
               75. I am sick. 我病了。  
               76. I feel nauseous/ dizzy.  我觉得反胃/头昏。
            77. Where does it hurt? (It hurts here.) 哪里疼?(这里疼。)
               78. I've got a cold. 我感冒了. I have a fever/ stomachache. 我发烧/ 胃疼
               79. How long have you been like this?      像这样有多久了?
               80. It's (not) serious.  (不)严重。 
               81. Are you allergic to penicillin? 你对青霉素过敏吗? 
               82. Take this medicine three times a day.  *服三次。 
               83. Drink more water. Get some rest.  多喝 水,多休息。                   84. You'll be better soon.  你会很快好起来。

        IX.Sightseeing in Guangzhou 游览广州
         85. it's a nice day. 天气真好。 
                86. What can I see in Guangzhou?  广州有什么景点? 
                87. The Museum of the Western Han Dynasty  西汉南越王博物馆值得看
                88. You can take a night cruise on the Pearl River.   你可以乘船夜游珠江。
             89. How much is the entrance fee?  门票是多少?
             90. How many tickets do you want?  你需要几张票? 
                 91. Enjoy your time! 玩得开心! 
                 92. Beautiful! / Great! 太美了!/ 太棒了! 
                 93. Would you take a picture of me?你能帮我照张相吗?
                 94. Please mind your belongings. 请看管好随身物品。 
                       Please mind your head. 小心碰头。 
                       Please mind your step. 小心地滑。/小心台阶。/ 当心脚下。             Ⅹ.Saying Goodbye 告别 
                  95. Hope to see you again.    希望能再次见到你 。
                  96. Have a good trip!     旅途愉快! / 一路顺风!
                  97. Keep in touch! 保持联系! 
                  98. Call me or e-mail me.  给我打电话或发电子邮件。 
                  99. Take care. 多保重。 
                  100. Come to Guangzhou again!     希望你再来广州! 

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