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位置:搜学在线有限公司PSHJGO » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 舞蹈 » 芭蕾舞 » 终于认识求职简历英语怎么说


发布时间:2023-07-14 16:11:42
  对话范例   A:What are you doing here? How about your resume now?   B:I stll have no idea what to do now.   A:Don't act like this. Please have good thoughts in your mind. What's behind you?   B:I could not agree with you more. But I feel worried about what to do next as soon as I begin to write my resume.   A: There is no need to do like this. We can surf the net and find some tem-plates for resume.   B:Sounds good. I will do it in a !Let's put our heads together.   A: You said it. We can also find some   helpful advice from some experts.   B: Terrific!   贾尼斯:你在这里做什么呢?你的简历现在做得如何?   佛瑞德:一筹莫展。   贾尼斯:不要这样,自己在思想上要乐观一点。你打心眼儿里是怎么想的?   佛瑞德:我完全同意你的说法。但一想到要写简历,我就无比纠结。   贾尼斯:根本没有必要那样,我们可以在网上搜索有关简历的各种模板。   佛瑞德:听起来不错。我马上去做。好的.那我们就集思广益吧。   贾尼斯:你说对了。我们还可以从一些专家那里得到一些建议。   佛瑞德:棒极了!

    短文鉴赏   3 Tips for Resume Writing   To master some skills in resume writing can make your resume be unique and this can also be the key for your success in job-hunting.   Tip 1 Using proper title that matches the job you want It is known that employers generally receive hundreds of resumes after one job fair, so you must make sure your own resume can grasp their attention in five seconds glance. One way to do this is to have job titles or skill headings that match the job you want.   Tip 2 Using the design that hooks attentionEmployers usually make snap looks to skim at all these resume. They will suppose you are unqualified for the job if they find unrelated job titles or skills. For this reason.   you must do your resume for the one who will see it, rather than for yourself. The design of the resume must highlight the most important information they want to read.   Tip 3 Analyzing job ads and job de锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion To learn the skill of analyzing the keywords in the job ads and de锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion can also be the key to a unique resume.   简历写作的三点要诀   掌握一些简历写作的要诀可以使得你所制作的简历与众不同,这同样也是求职成功的关键所在。   要诀一使用与应聘职位相称的头衔   据说在每次招聘会之后,招聘人员通常能收到数以百计的简历,故此你必须确保自己制作的简历可以在五秒钟的扫描中抓住他们的注意力。能做到这一点的一种办法就是使用与应聘职位相称的职位头衔或者技能。   要诀二以简历设计抓住注意力   招聘人员通常都会扫视所收到的所有简历。如果简历中出现与所招聘职位不相关的信息,他们则会认为你不胜任这份职位。故此你制作简历不是为自己而做,而是为将来可能看到的人去设计。这样在简历的设计上就必须突出他们所愿意读到的信息。   要诀三对招聘广告和职位描述语进行分析   学会分析招聘广告和职位描述的关键词同样也是制作与众不同简历的妙招。

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