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发布时间:2023-05-19 11:44:58
  初级例句   You need to work out.   你需要去运动锻炼一下。   (短语点点通:work out锻炼;训练)   I've got to start working out.   我必须开始做健身运动了。   I work out on a regular base to keep fit.   我经常锻炼,以保持健康。   (短语点点通:keep fit 【主英】健身活动;保持身体健康).   I begin with a long run every day.   我每天从长跑开始锻炼。

    中级例句   I'm going over to the gym. I want to do some running.   我要去健身中心,我想要跑步。   Regular exercise makes me feel much better than before.   有规律的锻炼使我感觉比以前好多了。   We all should warm up before doing some exercises.   开始做运动前,我们都应该热身。   (短语点点通:warm up做准备,热身)   More and more people are warm up to Yoga these days.   近越来越多的人热衷于瑜伽。   Strength training can significantly increase your metabolism.   肌力训练可以显著地增加你的新陈代谢。   (短语点点通:metabolism 新陈代谢)   It's not good to start with too much work-out at the beginning.   开始的时候运动量过大是不好的。   It is said 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. is the prime time for body-building.   据说下午四五点钟是锻炼身体的黄金时段。   (短语点点通:body-building健身;健美运动)     高级例句   Walking up and down the stairs would beat any exercise machine.   上下楼梯可比什么健身器都要好。   Physical exercises may not only strengthen your body but also cheer you up.   *锻炼不仅可以强壮身体,还能让你的心情好起来。   People are able to use the dance steps on walking equipment in the gym.   人们可以在健身房的步行器械上使用舞步。   Yoga is used to promote people's physical,intellectual and mental harmony and health.   瑜伽可以增进人的身体、心智和精神的和谐与健康。   Doing morning exercise or jogging in the morning makes you feel more energetic during the day.   晨练或者慢跑会使你的*更加精力充沛。   (短语点点通:jog慢跑

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